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جميع مواقع البحث عن العمل في الصين

Job Posting SiteDescriptionUrl
51Job51job is a print, internet business plus staffing agency I believe. Seems like you can also post jobs therehttps://www.51job.com/
chinahrChinaHR was founded in 1997 and is one of the first online recruitment websites in Chinahttps://www.chinahr.com/
LiepinLiepin.com is the largest mid-senior level professional & talent online platform in Chinahttps://www.liepin.com/
ZhaopinZhilian Recruitment, the only professional development platform listed in the US on the New York Stock Exchangehttps://www.zhaopin.com/
BOSS Zhipintop Chinese recruitment platform featuring DM, AI-driven recommendation, and focus on candidateshttps://www.zhipin.com

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